Capacity Building

Columbia Global Centres Africa 'Thinking Big Workshop' June 17-19, 2015

Columbia Global Centres Africa 'Thinking Big Workshop' June 17-19, 2015

Empowering High Potential Women Entrepreneurs for Growth 




The Governments within the East African Community have implemented major reforms to improve the business environment. In response to this continuous improvement, the Columbia Global Centers Africa, an affiliate of Columbia University in partnership with the Kenya Association of Women Business Owners (KAWBO), announces the ‘Thinking Big Workshop’ that will help you position your business to take advantage of the myriad existing opportunities for growth.

Who are we targeting?

• Entrepreneurs running businesses with a turnover of KSh. 30 million and above.
• The Entrepreneur must be the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the company.
• The entrepreneur must appoint a staff member with whom to attend the training.


Our Facilitator

Professor Murray B. Low is an experienced entrepreneur and a leading authority on entrepreneurship in independent, corporate and not-for-profit settings. As the founder of the Columbia Entrepreneurship Program, he has worked to make entrepreneurship a viable career option for MBA graduates. He has worked with faculty, students and staff across the University to spread innovation and entrepreneurship. He has also led initiatives to improve business education in developing countries, particularly in Africa. Low consults for both small and large companies, family businesses and not-for-profits. He conducts executive seminars in the areas of entrepreneurship and innovation and makes frequent presentations to academic and industry groups. He has published widely in academic and practitioner journals and is a regular commentator in the media. He is an active advisor, board member and angel investor.


Note: Participants MUST commit to attend the workshop for the 3 days

June 17-19, 2015 – Cohort 2

June 25-27, 2015- Returning Cohort 1



Charges: KES. 65,000 per participant

Note: This fee maybe subsided by the Columbia Global Centres Africa. Scholarship will be awarded on a case by case review of sent applications.


How to Apply


Please complete the application form and email a scanned copy to;


a) The Kenya Association of Women Business Owners @; 0716 627066


b)Columbia Global Centers Africa @ or ; 0708 440612

Walk the Talk; Breathe Life into Your Business / August,2015

Walk the Talk; Breathe Life into Your Business / August,2015

Running Growth Oriented Professional Businesses


Businesses face challenges ranging from working capital, inviting potential investors, employees and effective marketing.

This two day training module endeavours to teach business owners strategy, professionalism, management and all other aspects or running a future oriented growing business.


Entrepreneurs seeking to grow and excel their businesses into the next level.

Training Objectives;

a. Introduction: Applying a simple process to write a business plan
b. Business Strategy and Growth: Expanding your business
c. The Marketing strategy and Analysis
d. Operation Plan: Improve your business
e. Financial Planning
f. Challenges/Obstacles facing Entrepreneurs in Kenya
g. Effective Networking


Dates: 16-17 July, 2015



KAWBO Members KES 9,000.00

Non KAWBO Members KES 10,000.00


Payment Options:

Payments can be made directly into the KAWBO account. Deposit slips to be scanned and emailed to
KAWBO or dropped at our offices.
Kenya Association of Women Business Owners
A/C No.0102009619100
Standard Chartered Bank
Yaya Centre

Payments can also be made through M-PESA. Telephone number – 0716 627066


To Apply;


Please send email of interest to


Happy Employee, Happy Boss / October 15-16, 2015

Happy Employee, Happy Boss / October 15-16, 2015

Human Resource Basics for Business Owners

Every business owner’s dream is to have a highly motivated and productive team of employees.


This training module will aid an entrepreneur to balance employee management while motivating and empowering their staff to give ultimate performance. The discussion will also point out the common pitfalls in HR and share practical options to counter the daily challenges.


This is a must attend!


Training Objectives;

  1. Introduction to Human Resource Management
  2. Staffing Right
  3. Improving Employee Satisfaction
  4. Creating Employee Policies
  5. Performance Management
  6. Understanding Employment Laws of Kenya
  7. Common Pitfalls in Human Resource


Dates: 15th-16th October, 2015



KAWBO Members KES 9,000.00

Non KAWBO Members KES 10,000.00


Payment Options:

Payments can be made directly into the KAWBO account. Deposit slips to be scanned and emailed to
KAWBO or dropped at our offices.
Kenya Association of Women Business Owners
A/C No.0102009619100
Standard Chartered Bank
Yaya Centre

Payments can also be made through M-PESA. Telephone number – 0716 627066


To Apply;

Please send an email of interest to


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