KAWBO Impact

Month Of the Woman Entrepreneur

Month Of the Woman Entrepreneur

KAWBO played an instrumental role in planning and executing activities to mark 2010’s Month Of the Woman Entrepreneur (MOWE). MOWE, which is celebrated in Kenya annually in the month of September, seeks to meet the following objectives:
1. Recognizing the potential and achievements of women entrepreneurs in generating employment and incomes.
2. Showcasing women entrepreneurs.
3. Promoting the role of women entrepreneurship development in national development.
4. Providing women entrepreneurs with an opportunity to advocate and lobby on issues affecting them.
5. Disseminating information and exchanging good practices in the area of women entrepreneur development.

Constitutional Talk

Constitutional Talk

The Kenya Association of Women Business Owners held a Constitutional Talk for its members on 13 July at the San Valencia Board Room at Anniversary Towers from 9.45 am- 1.30 pm.

The talk focused on the Proposed Constitution and what gains and challenges it had for women politically, socially and economically.

The guest profile included KAWBO members, friends of KAWBO and staff members

Guest Speakers:

Prof. Christina Murray (Member of the Committee of Experts on the Constitutional Review)

Susan .W. Mwangi (LLB, LLM, Dip KSL)

The Guest speakers who gave the talk have been involved in the Constitution Review process and Ms. Mwangi contributed to research and drafting a significant part of the Draft.


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