
Call for KAWBO Committee Volunteers
is Open.


KAWBO offers members the opportunity to become a member of one or more of our active and dedicated committees.

Committees draw on the skills and interests of a broad cross-section of the membership to study issues of interest and importance to the association. They also provide an opportunity for member connection and networking. Make the most of it by getting involved and shaping your association.


Committee Member Roles, Expectations, and Responsibilities

Committee volunteers commit to:
• Participate actively in the committee by attending at least six committee meetings per year and letting the chair know if you are not able to attend any meetings. (Members must participate in order to remain on the committee.)
• Follow through on assigned tasks by meeting deadlines, returning phone calls, responding to requests for input via e-mail, etc.
• Respect the opinions of other committee members and the role of the committee chair to build consensus on the specified task.
• Represent the committee and association by attending meetings, making brief presentations, or writing articles about the committee’s work.

You may apply to any of the following committees by sending an email of interest to


KAWBO Membership Committee

KAWBO Membership Committee

I. Purpose

The KAWBO Membership Committee is charged with the following objectives;
1. To extend our integrated services to a diverse constituency of women business owners
2. To generate revenue for KAWBO and create wealth for women; hence accelerated
contribution to Kenya’s GDP.
3. To develop a women’s business databank
The Committee shall perform the responsibilities to meet these objectives that are consistent with the KAWBO mission, strategic plan, and/or direction provided the KAWBO Board of Directors. The terms of reference are as follows
• Define Membership criteria
• Determine Membership fees, subscription and other revenue from members
• Develop membership recruitment plan
• Review the constitution as and when required and table amendments to the board for approval
• Develop and enforce a membership policy and code of conduct
• Hear and resolve complaints from members
• Provide oversight in the Organization of the AGM
• Recommend to the Board disciplinary action for members found in breach of
KAWBO’s code of conduct or who do not comply with membership requirements

II. Membership

The Committee shall consist of one (1) member from the Board of Directors, 6-8 volunteers and one (1) KAWBO staff member. The members of the Committee shall be appointed by the Membership Committee Chair.
We will strive to ensure that committee members are from diverse segments of the KAWBO Network membership. Each member shall serve a maximum of a two year term.

III. 2015 Priorities

1. Develop membership recruitment plan for 2015
2. Provide oversight in the Organization of the AGM for 2015

IV. Meetings

1. Meetings shall be held once monthly, on a schedule determined by the chair and members of the Committee.
2. The Committee shall maintain minutes of the meeting and report regularly to the Board of Directors.

V. Time Commitment

The members of the Committee should plan on a minimum of one one-hour meeting per month. The members of the Committee should also plan on spending an additional 1-2 hours monthly on follow up tasks associated with the Committee.


Finance Committee

Finance Committee

I. Purpose

The Finance Committee mains objective is to adequately facilitate KAWBO’s operations. The committee helps to design ways in which KAWBO will remain “zero” indebtedness as well as providing ideas for sustainable sources of revenue.
The Committee shall perform the responsibilities to meet these objectives that are consistent with the KAWBO mission, strategic plan, and/or direction provided the KAWBO Board of Directors. The terms of reference are as follows;
• Develop a financial policy
• Develop Budgeting, financial management & control systems
• Reconcile & provide forecasts and guidance to committees
• Custodian of all financial resources/assets of the association
• Provide financial guidance and oversight to KAWBO’s CEO and officer responsible for accounting
• Responsible for financial audits and preparation of final accounts presented at The AGM
• Responsible for preparing procurement policy and procedures
• Support revenue generating initiative by committees

II. Membership

The Committee shall consist of one (1) member from the Board of Directors, 6-8 volunteers and one (1) KAWBO staff member. The members of the Committee shall be appointed by the Membership Committee Chair.
We will strive to ensure that committee members are from diverse segments of the KAWBO Network membership. Each member shall serve a maximum of a two year term.

III. 2015 Priorities

1. Receive & consolidate committee budgets to develop master budgets for 2015
2. Prepare financial audits and final accounts presented at the 2015 AGM

IV. Meetings

1. Meetings shall be held once monthly, on a schedule determined by the chair and members of the Committee.
2. The Committee shall maintain minutes of the meeting and report regularly to the Board of Directors.

V. Time Commitment

The members of the Committee should plan on a minimum of one one-hour meeting
per month. The members of the Committee should also plan on spending an additional 1-2 hours monthly on follow up tasks associated with the Committee.


Capacity Building Committee

Capacity Building Committee

I. Purpose

The Capacity Building Committee is a committee responsible for evaluating current education/professional development offerings. The committee helps to design new professional development courses as well as interesting, relevant and valuable programs for members by:
• Develop policies on capacity building; membership engagement & Award scheme
• Identify capacity needs for KAWBO members
• Identify existing training and capacity building opportunities in other institutions
• Develop capacity building programs & calendars
• Conduct M&E /impact assessments for capacity building programs
• Develop, Launch & publicize KAWBO awards

II. Membership

The Committee shall consist of one (1) member from the Board of Directors, 6-8 volunteers and one (1) KAWBO staff member. The members of the Committee shall be appointed by the Membership Committee Chair.
We will strive to ensure that committee members are from diverse segments of the KAWBO Network membership. Each member shall serve a maximum of a two year term.

III. 2015 Priorities

1. Develop capacity building programs & calendars for 2015

IV. Meetings

1. Meetings shall be held once monthly, on a schedule determined by the chair and members of the Committee.
2. The Committee shall maintain minutes of the meeting and report regularly to the Board of Directors.

V. Time Commitment

The members of the Committee should plan on a minimum of one one-hour meeting per month. The members of the Committee should also plan on spending an additional 1-2 hours monthly on follow up tasks associated with the Committee.


Advocacy Committee

Advocacy Committee

I. Purpose

The Advocacy Committee main objective is to establish KAWBO as the leading business authority in the promotion of gender parity in Kenya’s socio-economic progress and advance policies to increase women’s economic empowerment in Kenya.
The Committee shall perform the responsibilities to meet these objectives that are consistent with the KAWBO mission, strategic plan, and/or direction provided the KAWBO Board of Directors. The terms of reference are as follows;
• Develop a comprehensive advocacy policy/framework
• Organize the corporate engagement forum and subsequent strategic meetings
• Organize engagement meetings with relevant government institutions
• Develop the main advocacy plan
• Supervise implementation of advocacy plan
• Identify campaign issues
• Conduct M&E for advocacy programs

II. Membership

The Committee shall consist of one (1) member from the Board of Directors, 6-8 volunteers and one (1) KAWBO staff member. The members of the Committee shall be appointed by the Membership Committee Chair.
We will strive to ensure that committee members are from diverse segments of the KAWBO Network membership. Each member shall serve a maximum of a two year term.

III. 2015 Priorities

1. Continue to lobby parliament to entrench the 30% provisions into the new PPDA bill
2. Monitor government entities for compliance of the new PPDA law
3. Assist women to register complains when they experience non-compliance
4. Compile data on women’s/member’s gains in public procurement
5. Showcase success stories
6. Continue to monitor other legislation (SME Act, etc.)
7. Visibility & Credibility
a. Join and run for chair of KEPSA Gender committee
IV. Meetings
1. Meetings shall be held once monthly, on a schedule determined by the chair and members of the Committee.
2. The Committee shall maintain minutes of the meeting and report regularly to the Board of Directors.

V. Time Commitment
The members of the Committee should plan on a minimum of one one-hour meeting per
month. The members of the Committee should also plan on spending an additional 1-2
hours monthly on follow up tasks associated with the Committee.


Strategic Partnerships Committee

Strategic Partnerships Committee

I. Purpose
The Strategic Partnerships Committee is responsible for seeking ideal partners who best fit our values and objectives, to further enable KAWBO to fast-track our mandate. The main objective is to enhance awareness and credibility of KAWBO’s business purpose and raise funds for the organization.
The Committee shall perform the responsibilities to meet these objectives that are consistent with the KAWBO mission, strategic plan, and/or direction provided the KAWBO Board of Directors. The terms of reference are as follows;
• Develop policy on strategic partnerships, sponsors, associate and friends (definitions)
• Analyze relationships with current and prospective corporate sponsors, devise
sponsorship packages, and work with staff and Board to develop relationships.
• Work with Finance Committee to determine annual development budget.
• Develop strategies of a fund development plan
• Tap respective networks for potential donors of money, time and in-kind support.
• Maintain shared fundraising calendar.

II. Membership
The Committee shall consist of one (1) member from the Board of Directors, 6-8 volunteers and
One (1) KAWBO staff member. The members of the Committee shall be appointed by the
Membership Committee Chair.
We will strive to ensure that committee members are from diverse segments of the KAWBO Network membership. Each member shall serve a maximum of a two year term.

III. 2015 Priorities
1. Analyze relationships with current and prospective corporate sponsors, devise sponsorship packages, and work with staff and Board to develop relationships.

IV. Meetings

1. Meetings shall be held once monthly, on a schedule determined by the chair and members of the Committee.
2. The Committee shall maintain minutes of the meeting and report regularly to the Board of Directors.

V. Time Commitment

1. The members of the Committee should plan on a minimum of one one-hour meeting
per month. The members of the Committee should also plan on spending an additional 1-2 hours monthly on follow up tasks associated with the Committee.
• Review all previous year fundraising activity including Annual Appeal and make
recommendations for improvements for new fiscal year.
• Conduct a fundraising SWOT analysis and revise and update the previous fund
development plan based on findings.
• Hold staff accountable for implementing the strategies of the fund development plan
within stated time frames; measure progress toward goals monthly; troubleshoot with
staff as necessary.
• Maintain shared fundraising calendar.
• Analyze relationships with current and prospective major donors and funders, and
develop individualized strategies to cultivate or strengthen those relationships.
• Analyze relationships with current and prospective corporate sponsors, devise
sponsorship packages, and work with staff and Board to develop relationships.
• Work with Finance Committee to determine annual development budget.
• Work with staff and outside consultants as required to plan and execute fundraising and
friend-raising events.
• Along with Executive Director, meet with current and prospective major donors and
funders (foundations and corporations).
• Tap respective networks for potential donors of money, time and in-kind support.


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